
Teacher: Sit the fuck down and stop acting like a bird!

High School Classroom
Englewood, Colorado

Mom to five-year-old: I don't like Oprah Winfrey, because it's her fault Obama is President.

Denver, Colorado

Overheard by: David Leech

Middle-aged male Wasp: I'm voting for Wil Armstrong.
Middle-aged female Wasp: Isn't “Wil” only spelled with one l?
Middle-aged male Wasp: Uh, yeah.
Middle-aged female Wasp: That's kinda gay.

Denver, Colorado

20-something hot girl to friend: He tore off all his clothes, threw him on his back on the bar, then covered his nipples in whipped cream.

Denver, Colorado

Dude: You have a sister, right?
Chick: Yeah.
Dude: Is she hot?
Chick: She’s 12 and shaped like a rectangle.
Dude: That doesn’t answer my question.

High School Classroom
Englewood, Colorado

Overheard by: Julia

Woman #1: So… How’s your daughter?
Woman #2: She’s growing up to be a New Yorker.

Trident Coffee Shop, 940 Pearl Street
Boulder, Colorado

Guy #1: Dude, how do you blow smoke rings!
Guy #2 jokingly: It is the same as sucking dick.
Guy #1: Oh, okay! (blows smoke rings effortlessly)
Guy #2: Do you need to tell me something, man?

Hookah Bar
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Crazy old lady in bathrobe yelling to herself: Fuuuck you!
Drunk hobo: It’s all in your head, lady.
Crazy old lady: No, it’s not — it’s all in my asshole!

Boulder, Colorado

Loud man on cell: Harvard is the crusty nipple of liberalism.

Colorado University
Denver, Colorado

Teacher: What word do you think would fit there?
Student: Uh… “clusterfuck”?

Denver, Colorado