
Dad, seeing his little girl spit in a soda bottle: This is disgusting, nobody will want to drink from it now.
Little girl: I know, that's why I did it.
Dad: That's not nice. Smart, but not nice.

Pumpkin Farm
Half Moon Bay, California

Father: We went to the titty bar all the time when we were in Canada.
20-ish daughter: I wish you wouldn’t use the word ‘titty.’
Father: Why not? Titty, titty, titty. Titty, titty, titty.
20-ish daughter: Cock, cunt, pussy, balls, dick.
Father: Point proven.


Overheard by: JPatrick

Little boy, standing next to a car: Daddy, this isn’t our car! Daddy, what are you doing? This isn’t our car!
Man: Look, buddy, you’ve got to stop saying that when we’re in parking lots. [to a couple walking by] I just got a new car.
Little boy: No you didn’t!

AMC Theatres
Owings Mills, Maryland

Overheard by: they steal cars, dont they?

Little girl: Daddy! Daddy! Emma just kissed the shopping cart!
Father: She’ll kiss worse things in her life.

Yarmouth, Maine

Overheard by: Jade

Dad to five-year-old son: Do you want to get a practice doughnut?

Downyflake Donuts
Nantucket, Massachusetts

Overheard by: we were also practicing before real breakfast

Dad: When I came in it smelled really great, but it actually tasted really disgusting.
Daughter: Same with poop.


Kid: Dad, can we get Pop-Tarts?
Ponytail dad: No.
Kid: Why?
Ponytail dad: Because they're… disgustingly poisonous!

Carrollton, Georgia

Overheard by: Kez

Dad, changing son's diaper: Why don't you want to wear a diaper? You want to run around naked and piss and poop all over the floor?
Son: Yeah!
Dad: What are you, an anarchist?

New Jersey

Little girl: So when do we get to see the unicorns?
Dad: There don't have any. Unicorns aren't real.
Little girl: Even African unicorns?
Dad: No, they don't exist either. And even if there were real unicorns, they'd probably be from Europe.

Honolulu, Hawaii

Overheard by: mel

Father to crying son holding Spider-Man card: That damn Tobey Maguire is ruining my life!

Overheard by: artwork