
Man: I just wanted to go to the cafeteria lady and say, ‘My children are not astronauts!’

Ted’s Restaurant

Overheard by: Nic

Four-year-old boy to group of mothers: Guess what!
Group: What?
Four-year-old boy, excited: I just peed standing up!
Boy's father: That's not something we tell people!

Children's Room, Katonah Library
Katonah, New York

Overheard by: amused librarian

Father to young daughter in department store: I'm just going to get her a bottle of wine since I don't know what a coverup is.

Falls Church, Virginia

Dad: Later, we need to find grandma a boyfriend.
Seven-year-old son: Grandma already has a boyfriend, though.
Dad: Really? Who?
Seven-year-old son: She's married to granddad!
Dad: No, no, your other grandma.
Seven-year-old son: Oh yeah, she really needs a boyfriend.


Man to son: Stop talking about vampire bats and focus on your poop.

San Diego, California

Dad, leading three-year-old girl to bathroom: You need to go potty? You can sit on the potty in here.
Three-year-old girl: No, that potty's not for me. That's for mommy. She has a big butt.

Alameda, California

Overheard by: lith

Teenage girl to father: I didn't come out of her vagina, okay? I don't have to respect her.
Father: Well, I guess you don't respect me either, cause you didn't come out of my vagina!

Chesapeake, Virginia

Overheard by: made my day

Heavy guy looking at atlas: What’s a ‘labia’?
Son: One of those Eastern European countries.

Barnes & Noble
Peoria, Illinois

Little boy: Dad, what’s a “brer” rabbit?
Father: A rabbit with a lot of brer in it.

Magic Kingdom
Disney World, Florida

Overheard by: Natalie

Happy dad to little kid: Capital punishment is fun!

Morgantown, West Virginia