
Hip daughter: Mom, is that the same guy?
Hip mom: No.
Hip daughter: Then why do they sound the exact same?
Hip mom: Because they're Jewish.
Hip daughter: Really?
Hip mom: No.
Hip daughter (laughing): Oh my god! Mom! That's…
Hip mom: Don't quote me on Facebook.

Lincoln, Nebraska

Overheard by: robert taylor

Hipster chick to friends: Speaking of pregnancy, who wants pizza?

Denver Art Museum

Hipster girl: Ugh, I had, like, the worst day yesterday. I was skipping on the quad, and I ripped my skinny jeans.

Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, New York

Hipster: Yeah, well, at least she stopped huffing paint.


Overheard by: anonymous

Asian hipster: People stare at him, and he resents them for staring at him. But I’m like, ‘Maybe you should bathe!’
Jewish hipster: You should give him an elephant tranquilizer or something.


Overheard by: Glowien

Hipster chick: You know, you can tell it’s a good party by how many people get their stomachs pumped, and whether or not Mark gets naked.
Friend: Totally.


Hipster girl to guy: I got lucky. All I had to do was make out with him. (motions to other hipster girl standing beside them) She had to suck him off!

Atlanta, Georgia

Hipster guy: I cried so much when I watched it.
Hipster girl: It's a Wonderful Life made you cry? Ha!
Hipster guy: Shhhh! (looks around furtively)

New Zealand

White hipster to others: I've noticed the black kids in Harlem are starting to wear skinny jeans and skateboard. It's great… 'cause it's, like, cool to be smart again.


Disheveled hipster: His dick was so crooked that it had, like, a knuckle!


Overheard by: Mrs The Experience