
Flight attendant: Fasten your seatbelt low and tight around your waist, like Britney Spears' pants.

St. Louis, Missouri

Co-ed: This is just like a Friends episode, except we’re all ugly.

Columbia, Missouri

Overheard by: Jenn

50-something female suit: That's a dog? I thought it was a kid in a weird hat!

Columbia, Missouri

Overheard by: really?

Drunk man: Where have you been all my life?
Drunk woman: At the bowling alley!

Kansas City, Missouri

Overheard by: L3Gagneur

Dude #1: He’s real churchy, but emo, too.
Dude #2: Yeah, totally ‘What-Would-Jesus-Cut?’

Sikeston, Missouri

White trash mother, hurrying five-year-old out of bathroom: C'mon, let's go!
Five-year-old: But I want to wash my hands!
White trash mother: (sighs) Fine, but make it quick.
Five-year-old: Yay!

Lamberts Cafe
Sikeston, Missouri

Overheard by: Grossed Out

Loud fat ghetto chick to baby: See dat? See dat baby walking? That's what you need to be doing. I'm sick of carrying yo' ass around.

Target Parking Lot
Florissant, Missouri

Student, discussing a character’s problems: It’s like he’s in between a needle and some bread.
Teacher: … Do you mean a rock and a hard place?

English Class, Hazelwood West High School
Florissant, Missouri

Guy #1: So yeah, you can get in the water with them but you can’t touch the manatees unless they swim up to you.
Guy #2: Sort of like a strip club.

Kansas City, Missouri

Overheard by: Matt

Guy: Yeah, it’s like that one time we ended up at the homosexual movie theater.
Girl: They have gay movie theaters?
Guy: Yeah, it’s called, like… Homoplex or something.
Girl: We don’t even have those in Boston.

St. Louis, Missouri