Hot burner chick: Our bar was busy until the fat naked guy showed up and scared everyone off!
Fat naked guy: I'm wearing Uggs!
Burning Man
Overheard by: Eavesdropper
Hot burner chick: Our bar was busy until the fat naked guy showed up and scared everyone off!
Fat naked guy: I'm wearing Uggs!
Burning Man
Overheard by: Eavesdropper
Sorority girl, crying: I’ve been working so hard, and I don’t feel like I’m being rewarded for it.
Professor: What? What do you mean?
Sorority girl, still crying: I mean, if I work so hard, I’ll just die if I don’t get an A.
Professor, irritated: Well, it’s only four weeks into the semester. Why are you worried about your grade now? I don’t guarantee any grades! [Professor leaves.]Sorority girl, to friend: Damn. I should have saved the tears until at least midterm. Now I’ll actually have to do the work. Damn.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Girl, to guy who just got off a ski lift: Joe? Is that you? It's Mary. We used to date!
Guy: Oh, yeah, I thought you looked familiar from behind.
Ski Resort
Tahoe, Nevada
Boyfriend: Let’s get you all liquored up, and I can throw it in your butt.
Girlfriend: No! That’s not even how it happened the first time.
Trader Joe’s
Las Vegas, Nevada
Overheard by: Jummy Bear
13-year-old boy to parents: Shit, this place smells like old people and debauchery.
Mom: Now let's not judge the whores, Tommy.
Sahara Casino
Las Vegas, Nevada
Overheard by: djglucose
Girl, after kissing boy: You taste like smoke.
Boy: You taste like testicles.
Las Vegas, Navada
Overheard by: ScaredTourist
Girl #1: He keeps calling me a slut whenever I see him, and I'm like “what the hell?”, you know?
Girl #2: You should say something back.
Girl #1: Yeah, but I don't know what.
Girl #2: Oh! Let me help you, I'm good with comebacks! You should say, “well, at least I… (long pause) …look like a cookie.”
High School Bathroom
Las Vegas, Nevada
Overheard by: Meghan
Lady to math tutor: I have to call home. I’m not about to take out a loan if he hasn’t used the bathroom yet.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas library
Las Vegas, Nevada
Overheard by: the stonefoxx
Teacher: So, who do you think tells us what to do in this country?
Boy: Jesus.
Teacher: No. Remember, in the Constitution there is a separation of church and state.
Girl: I know — the frogs. You know, those old-looking dudes, the frogs?
Boy: I liked Jesus better. At least he don’t look like no frog.
Teacher, shaking her head: Oh, my husband is gonna love tonight.
Mountain’s Edge Elementary School
Las Vegas, Nevada
Overheard by: I want to be a teacher
Middle-aged woman to 20-something: I never knew there was that much variety in shape, size, color and girth. I’m talking about butt plugs. Oh, I’m sorry. You look shocked. I forgot — you’re just a librarian.
Wedding reception, Caesar’s Palace, 3570 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Las Vegas, Nevada
Overheard by: Sarah