
Thugette #1: Girl, you slept wif him?!
Thugette #2: I know — he ugly and got crabs, but I made him buy me drugs first.
Thugette #1: True dat.

Campus shuttle, Millersville University
Millersville, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: Steveo

Spanish teacher: And you really have to be careful what you eat, because they have a lot of E. Coli problems.
Teenage girl: E. Coli? Like in those commercials with the cough drops?
Spanish teacher: What?
Teenage girl: Y'know, like the “Eeee-coliiii…”

Jersey Shore High School

Overheard by: shana yo mamma

Hippie wannabe: Mmm, this tastes so much better than a non-solar-powered smoothie.

Dickinson College Earthfest
Carlisle, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: Future Unemployed

Hipster guy, earnestly: Yeah, you’ll love her; her face is really funny!

16th & Market
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Girl in North Face jacket and Uggs to clone friends: I mean, why couldn't it have been a normal suicide? Like, this week? Really?

Penn State Library
University Park, Pennsylvania

Scruffy man with garbage bag to stranger: Want to buy some chicken breast?

Blue Line Train
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

College girl #1: It was fun because it was easy.
College girl #2: Emily*, not all easy things are fun…like, I hear you're not that fun.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Chick: We’re going to see Saw II, right?
Dude: It’s probably gonna suck, though.
Chick: I just want to see people fucking die! You like watching people die, don’t you?
Dude: Well, yeah.

Ursinus College
Collegeville, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: A student

Older sister, standing on shopping cart: Where is Mommy?
Little brother, pushing cart: [Shrugs.]Older sister: You didn’t kill her, did you?!

Altoona, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: No, I Did

Mother, exiting trolley, to her son: Okay, come on, there’s people behind us.
Son: I want to say goodbye!
Mother: Oh, god.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania