
Young thug #1: I'm telling you, man, if they get you for jaywalking or littering down here, they just dismiss it.
Young thug #2: Really?
Young thug #1: Yeah, man, the homeless do it all the time.
Young thug #2: Man…
Young thug #1: I'm telling you. That's why I stay downtown.

Los Angeles Superior Court

Overheard by: Mylinda

Thug in shadows: But when you pee on a rock it bounces back at you!

Ridgewood, New Jersey

Fat effeminate thug: Bitch, are you a daddy's gurl o' you jus' anotha gorilla?

North Hollywood

Overheard by: busninja

Wangsta on cell: Dude, how the hell am I supposed to carry a 14-inch Mickey Mouse piñata?
(short pause) Well, I guess I could just stuff it in my messenger bag.

San Francisco, California

Hip-hop thug on train bursts out, to no one in particular: Fuck you, man!
(spits on floor) You don't like it, do somethin' 'bout it. (pause) You want my dick? You want to be on my dick?
Chica sitting opposite: Who are you talking to?
(hip-hop thug mumbles)
Chica: I don't think anyone wants to be on your dick.

Boston, Massachusetts

Super gangster teen guy, looking at Victorian book: Yo, why there so many pictures from Greece and Rome?
Super gangster teen girl: Greek is in Rome!

Nova Scotia

Overheard by: Heather

Thug to two others, leaving subway: Yo, let's hurry. I want to get good seats so I can suck her daddy's dick.

Government Center
Boston, Massachsetts

Overheard by: Jchill

Thug #1, in restroom stall: Oh, shit!
Thug #2, outside restroom: What's goin' on?
Thug #1: Why's it bleeding? It's bleeding! Why's it bleeding?!
Thug #2: Yo, you better wash your goddamn hands after you done in there.

Crossgates Mall
Albany, New York

Overheard by: Dack

Woman to thug in fur coat: Now, I don't even know your real name or your birth certificate name.
Thug in fur coat, puzzled: Most black people don't know each other's real names!

New Brunswick, New Jersey

Overheard by: EmGusk

Thug #1: So then we went down to that school, and Steve threw some rocks at the retarded kids.
Thug #2: Wait, didn't you do that last week?
Thug #1: Yeah, that's Steve's new thing.

Summer Street
Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: JChill