
Thug to another: You want me to go home and take a shit?

Lake Grove, New York

Thug: So I just need somewhere to test my invention…

Washington, DC

Overheard by: can't help but wonder…

20-something goth/thug girl: Remember the time I went to jail? I didn’t want to leave!

San Antonio, Texas

Overheard by: I didn’t want to be at dennys

Young thug #1: Your momma is a rat.
Young thug #2: At least she isn’t a hood rat like your momma.
Young thug #1: Well at least everyone who is with my momma has a good time. I should know, I hear it.

White Plains, New York

Overheard by: annoying blonde girl

Wannabe thug #1: So I told her: “Bitch, there’d better be flowers on my balls!”
Wannabe thug #2: Straight.

Mission Hill

Overheard by: Henry

Thug sitting in traffic yelling into cell: I moved you and the goddamn kids out here! I robbed muthafuckas for you! I’m facing five to ten goddamn years for you, and I can’t even get a goddamn thank you?! Bitch, you drunk?!

Orlando, Florida

Overheard by: scaredspectator

Thug on cell: Fuck off, man. Don’t even try arguing with me. I’m a fucking expert on this shit. I wikipedia-ed it last night.

Carousel Mall
Syracuse, New York

Thug #1: Man, it’s so hard to be in a relationship these days.
Thug #2: Yeah, my relationships die faster than those goldfish you win at a carnival.

Columbus, Ohio

Thugette, into phone: How it gon’ be warm one day, rain the next, and freezin’ the next?
Asian guy: It’s called a cold front. Take a science class.
Thugette: I don’t need no science, nigga! I got God!

Millersville University
Millersville, Pennsylvania

Thug: Yeah, right… The sign shouldn’t read ‘Welcome to Omaha’ — it should read ‘Welcome to Omaha… You’re gonna get fucking lost.’

Omaha, Nebraska