Death & dying

Man: There are mutes dying all over the world, and they can't say anything! So here I am…

Providence, Rhode Island

Girl: The first Pokemon movie was really sad.
Guy #1: Oh, yeah! It made me cry.
Girl: I couldn’t believe when Pikachu almost died…
Guy #2: Have you guys seen Pokemon porn?
Girl: Okay, let’s just stop right there.
Guy #2: No, it’s crazy. You know Misty? She’ll do like anything!

Hartford, Connecticut

Overheard by: Claire

Seven-year-old: Mommy, why is that man going under the train?
40-something woman: Because, sweetie, he works there.
Seven-year-old: He works under the train?
40-something woman: Yes, sweetie.
Seven-year-old: When I get older I wanna work under a train.
40-something woman: Nice, maybe you can pay for my funeral. Not like your older brother…

Atlanta, Georgia

Overheard by: Malina

Boy: We could have the clones test nuclear bombs!
Girl: They’re not robots. They’re real people.
Boy: So? They still blow up.

Seattle, Washington

Friendly waitress, serious: Would you like to order a happy ending?

Lycoming Mall
Pennsdale, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: DazedinPA

English poetry professor: Would you be offended if I hanged myself right now?

University of Toronto

Overheard by: awesomepossum

Professor: Isaac Newton, on his deathbed, was proud to announce that he was a virgin. So if any of you want to be famous scientists, you are going to have to be willing to make a few sacrifices.
Girl, raising hand: Um.
Professor: Oh, is it too late?

De Anza Community College
Cupertino, California

Overheard by: shyinvisiblegirl loves physics

Nonchalant dude on cell: My parents are dead, okay? Everyone’s dead, okay?

Los Angeles, California

Overheard by: Passing easily amused person

Preppy Asian chick on cell: I don't care if he's dying. I'm not going to move my car from a parking spot.

University of Tennessee

Overheard by: Jessica

Girl on cell: Yeah, so I'm going to tell my mom that he asked me to marry him, and then he died. (pause) Yeah, she'll probably ask if I need anything, and that's when I'll tell her about the car. (pause) Yeah, I'll be heartbroken, blah, blah, blah… at least I'll get a new car out of the deal! (pause) He's a made-up boyfriend! She's not going to find out he didn't really die, because he never really existed!

San Marcos, California