TV shows

College girl: There, I’ve belittled and insulted The View without using the word “bitch” or the c-word.

Student Center, Montclair State University
New Jersey

Overheard by: …and that itself is a feat

Chick: I have found that half-cousin incest is hot, but only on soaps.


Overheard by: Meister E

College student: Everything in life can be related back to Seinfeld. It's like the bible, except it won't fail you.

Hookah Bar
Washington, DC

Wife to husband while watching the news: Oh my god! Hahahaha, did you hear what they just said?
Husband: About how that guy “took it on the chin”?
Wife: Yeah, I can't believe they said that on the news!
Husband: I don't think that means what you think it means.
Wife: Oh.


Middle-aged professor, matter-of-factly: My daughter loves Stephen Colbert. She calls him her ‘baby daddy.’

Art League School
Alexandria, Virginia

Girl: I think the live-action of GTO is so much better.
Guy: I think the live action of your mom is so much better.

Norristown, Pennsylvania

20-something geek to friends: I'm telling you guys, The Big Bang Theory is for us what Sex and the City was for lonely, depressed women.

Comic Book Shop
Metairie, Louisiana

Girl: “Pokemon Stadium,” is just stupid. If the other Pokemon does some confusion attack, you just end up slapping yourself or some shit. No one gets so confused they hurt themselves!
Boy: Tell that to Danny Bonaduce.

Worcester, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Katie

Girl: It's like Everybody Loves Raymond, but with white people.

Columbia, Maryland

Overheard by: Liz

Drunk girl: Sometimes I think I'm an alcoholic, but then I watch Intervention and I realize I'm just a love machine.

Syracuse University, New York