Frat boy types

Frat boy reading section titles: “Self-help, cooking, fiction.” …is fiction science?

Barnes & Noble
Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: almost threw a book at him

Stoned frat boy: That's some illuminating shit!


Overheard by: the girl in the front of the bus

Bar-hopping frat boy: She was begging me for a cab, not to put it in her poop chute.

Overheard by: clinton

Frat boy #1: Oh, dude, a ShamWow! (to friend at counter) Hey, should we get a ShamWow?
Frat boy #2, without looking at him: No.
Frat boy #1: But it's a ShamWow!
Frat boy #2: You're an idiot. (long pause) Fine, get the fucking ShamWow.
Frat boy #1: (excitedly runs ShamWow over to counter)
Frat boy #2: Fuck.

Pet's Mart, Montana

Overheard by: Sadie

Frat boy #1: Dude, if I buy anal lube can I call you ‘Baby’?
Frat boy #2: No… You’ve bought anal lubricant before, right?
Frat boy #1: Yeah.
Frat boy #2: Yeah, that’s what I’m saying — we’re experienced.

Overheard by: the ear

Frat dude to another: I'm going to the library and I'm going to study my little nipples off.

University of Colorado

Overheard by: OMH

College girl, surprised: You went on a blind date last night?
College boy: Yeah, she was nice. She's gonna be a nurse.
Sketchy friend: Dude, that's awesome! Y'know, nurses make the best porn stars.

Burlington, Vermont

Frat guy #1: So my mom bought me two new polos. One is blue with pink, and the other is orange and green. But I already have one that's orange and green.
Frat guy #2: Dude, I'll take it.
Frat guy #1: Nah, I think I'm gonna trade it to Duke for some pot.

Virginia Tech

Bubblehead: Well, it’s inhumane. I don’t think they should keep them in cages… The, you know, what-do-they-call-em… kinky Jews.
Frat boy: Dumbass, they’re kinkajous. It’s a small, monkey-like animal, not a person.
Bubblehead: Oh. That’s different, then.

Overheard by: crankyprof

English teacher, reading Hamlet: “To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come…” Alright class, we'll pick it up from there on Monday.
Frat boy #1: What the fuck was that about?
Frat boy #2: I don't know, man. Let's go kill some zombies.

Gettysburg College
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: Alyssa