
Girl #1: How come the pigeons don’t die when they hop on that third rail?
Girl #2: Because they’re Dick Cheney’s unholy army of the night.

Chicago, Illinois

Overheard by: I’m glad I couldn’t vote back then

Woman #1: Dammmnnn girl! This metro so damn crowded!
Woman #2: Shit yeah! Too many people here.
Woman #1: Don't worry, Obama gonna take care of that.


Overheard by: Ian

Old WWII man to another: If I was President of the United States, before I'd let anyone have a license to drive a car I'd make everyone drive a motorcycle for a year to learn defensive driving.

Southington, Connecticut

Overheard by: Raven

Female student during welcome week: My uncle doesn't believe in recycling. You know, cause it's like a democratic principle…
Male student: Oh, yeah, totally.

Cornell University
Ithaca, New York

Overheard by: Actually, it's more communist…

White girl: I wish I had an Obama t-shirt to wear tonight. (pause) Although I’m sure if I brought a black friend it’d be just the same.


Overheard by: lb

Teacher: So, for the final sentence we should get some sort of metaphor for tax cuts helping the US recession.
Student #1: Hmm… Hey, you know like, the commercial where they put gum in the hole in the dam to stop the leak?.
Student #2: Or the finger!
Teacher: Oh, you mean in the dyke!
Student #1: Yeah, so… Tax cuts would be the finger in the hole of America’s dyke?
Teacher: Maybe we shouldn’t use a metaphor.

English Essentials Class
Waimea, Hawaii

Overheard by: boehmface

Professor: Obama is a white supremacist just like all of you and me and everyone else.

University of Colorado

Overheard by: I missed something

Professor: Let's move on…let's talk about Puerto Ricans in New York. And crack. And race. Well, let's start with Obama.

Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, Massachusetts

Overheard by: lovecollege

20-something hipster chick: I cried throughout the whole movie. Seriously, I was bawling! Richard Nixon was such a sad man.

Tick Tock Diner
Passiac, New Jersey

Overheard by: JoBell

Political science professor to class, explaining the term “political actors”: Political actors can be political parties, politicians, organizations of different kinds…and by organizations I do not think of a group of pedophile carpenters gathering in a living room.

NTNU University

Overheard by: Amused student