
Mother: Take off your backpack and put it on your lap.
Five-year-old boy: No.
Mother: Put your backpack on your lap.
Five-year-old boy: No! It will hurt my balls.


Girl in stall with open door: I got cheese on my nipples!
Girl outside stall, to passerby: Sorry.
Girl in stall, in husky voice: I got cheese between my balls.
Girl outside stall: I'm so sorry.
Girl in stall: I'm so cheesy, sometimes I melt!

Women's Restroom, Public Library
Eugene, Oregon

Guy on cell: Look, I'm just saying. If he wants to play hardball, I'm totally prepared to show him just how hard my balls are.

Overheard by: Jon

White guy: How do you pronounce your name? Is it “Ty”?
Asian guy: No, it's “Tee,” as in “teabagging.”
White guy: Oh. (pause) Wait! What?
Asian guy: Sorry, maybe I should have said “sweet tea.”

Atlanta, Georgia

Girl: Good luck with that. You'll end up with barbed wire embedded in your genitals if you go there on foot. And I'll say I told you so.

Overheard by: Jon

British individual rights professor: States can't go around cutting people's bollocks off because they've been naughty.

Law Class
St. Louis, Missouri

Lady talking to friend: My little boy just loves balls. All I hear is balls,balls, balls…

Anniston, Alabama

Overheard by: Tyler

Teacher, pointing to female student: You have ovaries. (pointing to self) I have testes.

High School Classroom
Englewood, Colorado

Man on cell, about his genitals: Yeah, it's shaped up like a 'fro on a Scooby Doo Chia Pet.


20-something chick on cell: Hello? Seriously? It smelled like your balls last time you used it! (pause) Okay, I guess, make sure you rinse out that motherfucker! You too, bye.
Friend: What was that about?
20-something chick: My boyfriend wants to use my shower, and my loofah.
Friend: Oh.

San Antonio, Texas