
Girl, smelling another girl's hair: You're right! It does smell like a sweaty peach.


Finely bearded man, loudly and distinctly among crowd: Big. Hairy. Ballsack.

University of Illinois

Overheard by: Kelsey

Hubby: Man, when I trim my ass hair my farts sound weird!

Girl telling friend about dream: So then I was lying on a bed of beef jerky and my dad came up and his armpit hair was all white and fuzzy and that's when I realized I was gonna die.


Art school hipster girl, in the middle of different conversation: Oh my god! I got my goddamned hair cut yesterday!
Art school hipster guy: I was gonna say in the car!
(art school hipster girl smiles with crazy eyes and mouth agape)
Art school hipster guy: No, seriously… It is so fresh.

Savannah, Georgia

Guy #1: Yo, it would be tight to work in a rug store.
Guy #2: Yeah, man. All those different kinds of rugs…

Oakland, California

Overheard by: archidork

20-something girl looking at picture: Isn't he so hot with his nunchucks?”
20-something guy friend: Those are called “muttonchops.”


Teen girl #1: Do you think they have those other elephants here? You know, the old hairy ones?
Teen girl #2: Mammoths? No, I don't think they do. Aren't they extinct?
Teen girl #1: No, I'm pretty sure they have them at the Werribee zoo. Well, they were on that cartoon, with all the ice.


Overheard by: Brydee

Girlfriend: I have to shave every single day.
Boyfriend: Oh, yeah?
Girlfriend: Yeah… do I have any hairs sticking out on my chin right now?

Overheard by: Ian

Young girl in stall with mother: Mommy, what's that?
Mother to young girl: It's called pubic hair, sweetie…all women have it. When you get older, someday you will get some.
Young girl, mortified: Nooooooooooo!

Mall Restroom
Washington, DC

Overheard by: Monica