
Mexican girl: Do Mexicans even know how to use star 69? Because I asked one once, and she didn't.

Corpus Christi, Texas

Overheard by: overheardincc

Teacher holding VCR remote control: I keep hitting play, this stupid thing won't work. Must need new batteries.
(changes batteries)
Teacher: Damn thing still won't work, you'd think they would buy machines that work, how are you supposed to learn with such crappy materials?
Student in front row: Ummm… Is that the tape on top of the VCR?
Teacher: Goddamn it!

Manchester, New Hampshire

Girl #1: They're checking out your ass. Up you skirt.
Girl #2: Whatevs. (pause) Wait, do they have cameras?

Hotle Bar
Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: arrc

Dude: That's why I love Macs, install windows XP and it's like (snaps fingers) twenty minutes and you're done.
Dude #2: That's not good! That's like saying (snaps his fingers) you've got VD!


Geeky kid: A glass cutter? Oh. My. God. This is a glass cutter! It cuts glass!
(mom tries to shush him)
Geeky kid, whispering: A glass cutter!

Hardware Store
San Francisco, California

Teen girl: Hey guys! I heard there's going to be like, a digital Armageddon today!
Teen boy: I think that's a hoax.
Teen girl: No, but I heard it on the radio (pause) They wouldn't have reported it like that if it was fake.

Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: H. G. Wells

Server: We need a button on the computer for this…
Boss man: For what?
Server: Balls on your face.

Midlothian, Virginia

Overheard by: bec-uhh

Professor: Are there any questions before we begin the final?
Girl: Can we tear pages out of the exam?
Professor: Yes, we have the technology to reassemble it. (waves stapler around)

Managerial Accounting Class
Santa Barbara, California

Overheard by: Ariel

Teen girl, yelling at computer screen: Oh, you willy shiver!

Totara Park
New Zealand

Overheard by: Schmitty

Male high school student, nonchalantly: I got a new phone; this one can take videos and stuff. It's pretty cool.
School bus driver, in hushed, dramatic tone: Technology is god on earth.

School Bus
Southern California