Asian native to man with whom she’s holding hands: How do I replace you?
Overheard by: emily
Asian native to man with whom she’s holding hands: How do I replace you?
Overheard by: emily
Loud outburst from quiet conversation: What kind of pan do you have that you can cook a head in it?!
8000 Foothills Boulevard
Roseville, California
Overheard by: Drew
18-year-old guy #1: Dude, I hate when she sticks her fingers in my ears.
18-year-old guy #2: Wait, so that doesn't turn you on?
Overheard by: luke.
Teen girl: Am I fat?
Teen boy: Emotionally? Yes.
La Jolla, California
Overheard by: Acire
History teacher: Ah, sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. Well, I definitely did the rock 'n' roll bit. Not the drugs, though. And uh… Hm. So did you all do the assignment?
11th Grade History Class
Hong Kong
Girl #1: Do you think the actress who plays the deaf girl on Weeds is actually deaf? She looks deaf.
Girl #2: You're retarded.
Girl #1: That's not very PC.
Overheard by: jessica l
Blonde teen: Please don't pull my finger!
Brunette teen: Oh, gosh. Is this like that time in gym class?
Homecoming Football Game
Mom: You wanna sleep in the bed with dad?
13-year-old boy: Why the hell would I do that? I’m 5’6″! That’s gay!
Baldwin Park, Florida
Overheard by: hmm… point taken.
Five-year-old girl, pointing to picture on cup: Who's that?
Babysitter: That's Ronald McDonald.
Five-year-old girl: Oh… How do you know him?
Manhattan, New York
Pre-hipster eyeing Harvard t-shirt: What do you mean you can't afford it? But you graduated from there. Isn't that the whole point of going there?
Prudential Mall
Boston, Massachusetts
Overheard by: