
English teacher: It’s a big responsibility to be a goddess, it troubles me all the time.

A.C. Flora High School
Columbia, South Carolina

Boy: Why do you wear that on your head?
Muslim girl, indifferently: So the aliens don't read my brain.

High School

Overheard by: I need one of those!

Loud guy in restaurant: So, we were out shopping and there were all these women in burkas taking pictures of each other. How fucking pointless is that? It’s not like they’re going to look back afterwards and go, ‘Oh, look, there’s Doris by the fountain!’


Girl to friend: So he was already crying because he found out we weren't Jewish. Then he was like, “But aunt Jill is Jewish! Why aren't we?!” My mom had to explain that Jill's her best friend, not her sister. So then he found out we weren't related to Jacob and everyone. So he cried even harder.
Friend: Wow.
Girl: Yeah, but he was like 10, so he should have just sucked it up.

Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Tyler

Girl #1: What’s Scientology?
Girl #2: Isn’t it like, you know, science?


Overheard by: Dave

Religion professor: Contrary to popular belief, bingo is not a sacrament!

North Central Michigan College

Girl at mall: Did I tell you about traumatizing the Amish family?

Champaign, Illinois

Overheard by: Frito Bandito

Professor: Back then they actually had Hell located on the map. It was in the north.
Student: In Canada?

Hartford, Connecticut

Overheard by: Claire

Boy: I believe in waiting until marriage.
Girl: That’s funny, cause I believe in you fucking my brains out.

Bryn Mawr College

Drunk black gangster guy, on Tel Aviv centennial celebration: I am Moses! I am Moses!
(traffic light changes, he throws arms up in air) Israelis, you may now walk!

Tel Aviv

Overheard by: E-lad