Teen to friend: He's always making fun of the holocaust.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Teen to friend: He's always making fun of the holocaust.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Loud teenage girl: Oh my god, condoms are flying everywhere!
Ridgewood, New Jersey
Overheard by: i don’t see any condoms
16-year-old male in office waiting room, to friend: You can't just solve all your problems by causing a nuclear holocaust, man!
Whatcom Community College
Bellingham, Washington
Overheard by: littlegirlmonkey
Teen girl #1: How was econ today?
Teen girl #2, indignantly: We actually learned something, I was so bummed…
Beverly Hills High School
Beverly Hills, California
Overheard by: zen
Girl: I’ll have the chocolate peanut butter car crunch.
Cashier teenage boy: Ummmm… Yeah, the “car” actually stands for “caramel”.
Gelato Spot
Scottsdale, Arizona
Overheard by: Fake Blonde
Stoner teen girl watching seals: If I ever turn into an animal, I hope I’m not a seal.
Friend: Why?
Stoner teen girl: ‘Cause just look at the poor things — it’s so hard for them to, like, move. They just wobble everywhere. No legs to help them. I feel so bad for them.
Camden Aquarium
Camden, New Jersey
Overheard by: maryjane
Teen girl #1: Oh my gosh, look — Catholic school kids!
Teen girl #2: Erica! Don’t say that!
Teen girl #1: What? … Is that racist?
Franklin Institute
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Overheard by: not catholic
Black teen employee to teen girl employee: Some of these people, they want to get to know you and make a connection, and I'm like, “man, I don't want to be your friend, I just want to give you a towel.”
Marino Center
Boston, Massachusetts
Teen girl: Have you noticed that he's getting gayer by the minute? I swear he's getting gayer and gayer–and his eyebrows are getting smaller and smaller.
Teen guy: Ah, yes. The all too telling gay-to-eyebrow ratio…
Olympia, Washington
Overheard by: ninita
Emo #1, trying on black eyeshadow: Does it look alright?
Emo #2: Yeah, it looks great!
Emo #1: Should I buy it?
Emo #2: Yes! Oh my god, there's some on your face!
Emo #1: Where?
Emo #2: There, on your cheek!
(emo #1 starts wiping it off)
Emo #2: Hey, you look like an aboriginal.
Cosmetics Shop
Manhattan, New York
Overheard by: Somni