
Guy on mobile: Hi! I just wanted to clear up that whole breastfeeding thing…well, my boss has a one-and-a-half-year-old, and he said there were three stages: a sort of watery stage, then it moves into a semi-skimmed stage, then just pudding. Well, I just found out today and I thought you'd want to know too.

N21 Bus

Male student: So after leaving my mom a note explaining I was going to New York, my friend and I just drove there. We saw a hobo pee in a cup then dump it out!
Female student: Sweet! Can I see?

Bus, University of Michigan

Guy, to friend: And so I said to him: “If you’d never seen Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon your life would be so different right now.”


(the road is closed for Chinese New Year parade)
Bus driver: Folks, we’ll be alright. We’re going to take a right on Sansome, a left on Broadway, and a left on Stockton. We’ll rejoin the original route at Stockton and Sacramento. Don’t worry. Everything will be alright. As long as I still get paid, it’s okay.

San Francisco, California

Teen girl: My other friend is, like, sooo dumb, I'm so glad she isn't dead!

66 Bus
Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: kerminator

Chick #1: Do you want some peanut M&Ms?
Chick #2: No, thanks.
Chick #1: They touched my crotch.
Chick #2: In that case, sure!

High School Bus
Englewood, Colorado

Overheard by: Julia

Woman on cell, in deadpan voice: Now's not a good time to talk to him about it. (pause) He's got a chainsaw. I really wouldn't talk to him about it right now.

Amherst, Massachusetts

Ned to another, in thick Scottish accent: My pal's not well. His brain doesn't float around. It's stuck to his head, like.


Overheard by: Still wondering what it could be

Bus driver: Push back, push back! Don't be afraid! Hold somebody's hand, tell 'em you love 'em!

57 Bus
Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Smallison

Teenage girl on bus: Oh, fuck. What is this world coming to? It's like it gets worse and worse.
Teenage guy sitting beside her: What? No. This wouldn't be the worst thing that's happened. Bad things happen all the time. Think about worse things going on right now, or that have been going on, for like, forever.
Teenage girl: It feels like it's getting worse, though.
Teenage guy: But it's not, though.
Teenage girl: Yeah, but, these bad things keep happening. It always keeps happening.
Teenage guy: I wanna go see Watchmen.
Teenage girl: Don't, I heard it's not that good.
