Young man on cell: So there's someone cleaning their floor with the blood of one of their relatives, and it's like…a bit much, you know?
Bus, Denmark Hill
Overheard by: trying not to turn around
Young man on cell: So there's someone cleaning their floor with the blood of one of their relatives, and it's like…a bit much, you know?
Bus, Denmark Hill
Overheard by: trying not to turn around
Woman: There’s nothing in my mouth that I’m ashamed of!
87 Bus
Jersey City, New Jersey
Obese John Wayne wannabe: I can’t believe we are not hanging out tonight.
Gap tooth hootchie: I told you I made plans with my friends a month ago!
Obese John Wayne wannabe: Well you’re supposed to be hanging out with me. We never hang out anymore and we are boyfriend and girlfriend!
Gap tooth hootchie: We were supposed to hang out this past Saturday and Sunday but we didn’t! You were not fucking there.
Obese John Wayne wannabe: I had a change of plans!
Gap tooth hootchie: Change of plans?! Muthafucker you were in jail!
Iowa State University, Iowa
Overheard by: Casey
Boy: So why did you move here?
Girl: I was gonna go to art school and then I wrote this big essay and my cat shit on it.
Boy: Literally shit on it?
Girl: Yeah, I took it as a sign.
18 Bus
Seattle, Washington
Angry mother on the bus: Come here and sit down!
Four-year-old: No, it’s okay. I’m being good.
Angry mother: This bus is going to stop suddenly and you’re going to fall down and crack your head open on one of the bars, and before the bus gets back around to the hospital you will bleed to death!
Pullman, Washington
Overheard by: jeff
Chick on cell phone: My roommate was rolling a lint roller all over her head for like ten minutes and finally I was like: “What the fuck are you doing? You’re gonna pull all your hair out!” … Haha yeah… She threatened to kill me if I asked her anymore questions… She probably watches me sleep.
UB Bus
Buffalo, New York
30-something to friend: After that, it was no use to him. Well…not as a leg, anyway.
Overheard by: Jeff Alderman
20-something guy that obviously just woke up: So, do you think we'll have enough money to apply for college later today?
20-something girlfriend, also still bed-headed and yawning: Are you kidding me? It's 5 am and we're stoned. We'll talk about this later.
Dallas, Texas
Girl #1, about friend's makeup: This is definitely your color. Makes you look really classy.
Girl #2: Thanks!
Girl #1: Which is funny, because you're such a tramp.
Overheard by: plethora
Cute, hungry 20-something: I love menus, they're like porn.
Philadelhia, Pennsylvania
Overheard by: