
Preppy guy on cell: So, you’re pissed. I guess ’cause I lied. Or, yeah, I understand — ’cause I had sex with someone else last night. What was I supposed to do, wake up and say, ‘Oh, hey, I have a girlfriend’ to her? … Look, babe, I love you, but I’m 19 and I’m human.
Drunk guy from dorm window: And an asshole!

Boston College
Newton, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Drew

Girl in lunch line: Why are there fucking bamboo shoots in this stir fry? What do they think I am, a koala?!

Wellesley College
Wellesley, Massachusetts

Meathead to swooning girls: I’m just gonna eat your ovaries! Raaawwwrrr!

Commonwealth Avenue bus, Boston College
Newton, Massachusetts

Dude exiting cab: Oh! Hi!
Girl on sidewalk, trying to hail cab: Hi.
Dude exiting cab: You’re hot! Wanna make out?
Girl on sidewalk: Not right now.
Dude exiting cab: Slut!

Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts

Lady: Yeah, he’s cute… for a seven-year-old girl.

Kenmore Square
Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: H

Thug to pit bull on leash: What time are you gonna shit? … No, seriously, what time?

Downtown Crossing
Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: jchill

30-year-old woman on cell: I think I should just call Lisa* and ask her if she has cancer, because she is way too normal. There has to be something wrong with her.

Ferry line
Nantucket, Massachusetts

Drunken 50-year-old to his penis: Come on! Pee! Pee until you can’t pee no more, bitch.

Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Hiding Roommate

Undergrad #1: Man, it would suck if you died by drowning in molasses.
Undergrad #2: Well, better than being raped.
Undergrad #1: True. Well, unless you were diabetic. Then the molasses would be, like, raping you.

Harvard research lab
Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: random person

Preppy chick: I’ve never seen her pee in a bush or even fart or anything. It’s like I only know her on one level, you know?

Harvard Station
Boston, Massachusetts