Chick: I can never place his accent–it's like he lives south- but his accent's eastern too.
Guy: Maybe he lives… south east? I don't know.
Chick: No, he lives in Illinois- that's north-south.
New York
Chick: I can never place his accent–it's like he lives south- but his accent's eastern too.
Guy: Maybe he lives… south east? I don't know.
Chick: No, he lives in Illinois- that's north-south.
New York
Excited blonde: Guess what I’m getting myself for a Valentine’s Day present? I’m getting tested for STDs!
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
Overheard by: not surprised
Girl: Sorry about the chafing. My butt still hurts when I poo.
Boy: [Makes sad face.]Girl: From your surprise. I don’t like your surprises.
Boy: It surprised me too!
Boston, Massachusetts
Guy #1: Do you want to see something gay?
Guy #2: No, do you want to see something gay? Dude, I have, like, the gayest thing ever. I'll text it to you later.
Eugene, Oregon
Overheard by: nyssa
50-something man to 50-something woman: You are not homeless. Homeless people don't own dinnerware!
BART Train
San Francisco, California
Overheard by: Morpheus
20-something #1: Let's get into publishing.
20-something #2: Only if it's porn.
20-something #1: Well, of course.
20-something #2: For women. Graphic pornography for women.
20-something #1: I think they already have that.
20-something #2: Giant diamond encrusted wangs, artfully displayed on wedgewood.
Denver, Colorado
Girl with fake sword to group of fifty kids with fake swords (prepping them before their war in the park): Today is not about living, today is about dying. You will die at least 100 times today. And you will love it!
Clark Park
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Overheard by: afraid of kids
Dude #1: So, when the hell did you start smoking cigarettes?
Dude #2: Last week.
Dude #1: Why the hell did you do that?
Dude #2: I wanna stop smoking pot.
University of Miami
Miami, Florida
Overheard by: Stosh