
Curious friend: Doesn't your mouth get tired?
Small Asian girl: That's what my hands are for!
Curious friend: Don't your arms get tired?!
Small Asian girl: That's what my mouth is for!
Curious friend: What do you do when both get tired?
Small Asian girl: Oh, that's when he puts it in my butt.

Hoboken, New Jersey

Librarian: Hello, Justin. I'd shake hands with you but my hands are very sticky.

Sacred Heart University
Fairfield, Connecticut

Overheard by: Jesse

Guy, telling everyone about a massage: You know how grandma's hands are real soft?

Las Vegas, Nevada

Overheard by: Craig

Guy at the end of the very long line to men's room: Man, it's like the line to Space Mountain. Except when you get to the end you have your dick in your hand.

Festival of Ales
Worcester, Massachusetts

20-something to friend: I can't believe you asked if he was the handjob guy!

Norman, Oklahoma

Gay man, pensively: I bet vaginas make excellent hand-warmers.

Anaheim, California

Little boy walking with two little girls: I think we should all hold hands. I think that I should be in the middle so you can both hold my hand.

Keene, New Hampshire

Girl to friend: Stop! Theirs a picture of his finger in my vagina.

Uninc Loudoun County, Virginia

New Yorker, on cell to fiancée: Honey, all set here for our wedding, when you coming over? I got both of our rings, in nine-carat gold! (appalled silence in carriage) Yeah, your finger's gonna go green and fall off or something? What the hell's wrong with nine-carat gold? Hey! Of course I love you more than I love my mom! Come on! What is this about?


Bartender: The answer was “The North Sea.” We did not accept “Nordic” or “Norse.”
Guy: But my hand has a lisp!
