Loudspeaker in airport: Please don't leave your belongings unattended.
Crazy lady, to no one: Did they just say homosexuality isn't allowed in the airport?
Oakland, California
Overheard by: Kristina
Loudspeaker in airport: Please don't leave your belongings unattended.
Crazy lady, to no one: Did they just say homosexuality isn't allowed in the airport?
Oakland, California
Overheard by: Kristina
Boy holding slinky: I feel weird.
Boy holding other end: It's okay. We've got a slinky!
High School
Eugene, Oregon
Scruffy guy: Shit, I'd suck dick for money. I've always kind of wished I was a girl so I could be a stripper… or a whore.
Gainesville, Florida
12-year-old boy #1: I wouldn’t like to have two lesbian moms.
12-year-old boy #2: Why not?
12-year-old boy #1: Because they would be, like, overactive.
12-year-old boy #3: You’re totally right!
Mabo Secondary School
Dude #1: Dude, if you're gonna artificially inseminate your sister's girlfriend, you gotta fuck her, right?
Dude #2: Absolutely!
Dude #1: Otherwise, you got no respect for yourself.
Overheard by: elizabeth
Six-year-old boy to uncle about to leave for a trip: Bring me a woman!
Simi Valley, California
Fashionista student: So is he like, Christian gay from project runway?
Oblivious teacher: No, he's like Jewish gay.
American University
Washington, DC
Overheard by: I'm Jewish
Friend #1: Now all we need is a transvestite cop.
Friend #2: Don't worry, we have Katie!
Los Angeles, California
Teen girl on cell: Cuz you're not a lesbian fan, and I like lesbians. They're funny.
Overheard by: um…