
College guy to group, confused by crowd at ten a.m.: I always forget there’s this whole subculture of people who get up before noon.

Connecticut Avenue and R Street
Washington, DC

Small boy: Dad! Dad! Can I have that?
Father: I've told you before, craving leads to attachment.

Toy Shop
Eastern Suburbs, Sydney

Bimbette, pointing to Che Guevara t-shirt: Jose Cuervo!

Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: SP

Chick: I can never place his accent–it's like he lives south- but his accent's eastern too.
Guy: Maybe he lives… south east? I don't know.
Chick: No, he lives in Illinois- that's north-south.

New York

Teen girl #1: How was econ today?
Teen girl #2, indignantly: We actually learned something, I was so bummed…

Beverly Hills High School
Beverly Hills, California

Overheard by: zen

Girl: I wonder why there are so many Japanese restaurants around here?
Guy: Probably because there are a lot of Mexican people living in this town.

Very Little Town
North Carolina

Girl: She showed me, like, everything, and stuff like that.


Overheard by: Anthony Mercer

Burly male college student: I don't want to put my bare feet somewhere where someone's already put their bare feet.

Murray State University

Short girl: So, what do you do with the pen cap condoms?
Much taller girl: Okay, you take them…and you throw them out.
Short girl: You don't like…reuse them or something?
Much taller girl, smiling: Do you reuse normal condoms?
(short girl laughs)
Much taller girl, seriously: Don't just wash those and reuse them.

Onteora HS
Boiceville, New York

Overheard by: Toasted

Fashionable, ditzy young woman at cheese counter: A lot of girls cheat on their taxes because they just don't know how to do them.

Overheard by: dismayed feminist